
  Arrived at dots 




1950~ born in Tokyo
has a working experience at Foreign companies

Regular Member of Salon d'Automne   
Associate Member of Le Salon (Société des Artistes Français)
Member of Japan International Artists Society 
Founding Member of Nouvelle École de Paris UKIYO-É

He continues his activities at home and abroad as the member of the above artists societies.

Around the year of 1990 he came to more vigorously depict the pictures than ever and had been having the
preference for painting in pastel color from that time on. From 1999 to 2012 his paintings were exhibited
in a museum of Izu district in Japan.
He has also been deeply having an interest in French arts and crafts for many years which bloomed from
the late 19th C. to the early 20th C., called the Art Nouveau and the Art Deco period, and has been making
great efforts with self-study for improvement of his specialized knowledge about them and with collecting
wide range of their materials.

Around 2010 he came to arrive at the state of mind that by his former colored painting style he wouldn't
be able to depict the world in his sight or in his mind any further, and then dared to change his drawing
style from in multiple color to in solid black color by stippling. It was a unexpected event or transition for him.
His doing of forming a character of a world by accumulating numerous dots in size suggestive of the cut
surface of human hair could be said not only an extraordinary work, but so to speak, an act of madness.

Yoneto Bei also changed his painting motives from human figures to diverse subject matters and has kept
its painting style until today.

Currently his main activities are to hold the personal exhibitions and to display his works at the Salons in
Paris and at art exhibitions in Japan.

  year  Activities & Awards
 1990~  started to enthusiastically work on drawing
 1999~2012 Exhibited at a museum in Izu district, Japan
 2007 Exhibited at Salon International de Paris (Drawing category)(in Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits, Paris)
Exhibited at France-Japan Multinational Contemporary Art Exhibition (in Tokyo International Forum)
 2008 White Paper on Environment and Recycling-Society: Cover Picture Competition (sponsored by Ministry of the Environment) won an award
Exhibited at Japanese Today's Arts Exhibition in Spain on recommendation(in Palacio De Sobrellano, Comillas)
 2010 Le Salon winning
Exhibited at Japanese Today's Arts Exhibition in France(in Vannes, Morbihan)
Exhibited at Salon International de Paris on recommendation (in Musée des Collections Privées, Paris)
 2011 Exhibited at France-Japan Multinational Contemporary Art Exhibition on recommendation
Exhibited at Saburo Miyamoto Memorial Dessin Exhibition
 2012  Exhibited at France-Japan Multinational Contemporary Art Exhibition on recommendation (in National Art Center, Tokyo)
 2013  Exhibited at Exposition de la Nouvelle École de Paris UKIYO-É(in Galerie du Marais, Paris)
 2014 Salon d'Automne winning
 2015 Salon d'Automne winning
Le Salon winning
 2016 Salon d'Automne winning
Exhibited at France-Japan Multinational Contemporary Art Exhibition and won the Art Window Award
Exhibited at Salon International de Paris on recommendation (in Espace Commines, Galerie du Marais, Paris)
 2017 Salon d'Automne winning
Le Salon winning(2016) 
 2018 Salon d'Automne winning
Le Salon winning(2017)
Exhibited at France-Japan Multinational Contemporary Art Exhibition and won the NEPU Award and also Maruman Award
 2019 Salon d'Automne winning
Le Salon winning(2018))
Exhibited at France-Japan Multinational Contemporary Art Exhibition on recommendation (in National Art Center, Tokyo)
Exhibited at Japanese Today's Visual Arts Exhibition in Finland on recommendation (in Nelimarkka-Museo, Alajärvellä)
 2020 Le Salon winning(2019) and won the Mentions Award
Salon d'Automne winning
Exhibited at France-Japan Multinational Contemporary Art Exhibition on recommendation (in National Art Center, Tokyo)
Exhibited at 59th Salon de la Ville de Vincennes (Amicale des Artistes Français)
 2021 Le Salon winning(231e)
Exhibited at Salon International de Paris for mini personal show and won the NEPU Award
Salon d'Automne winning
Exhibited at France-Japan Multinational Contemporary Art Exhibition on recommendation (in National Art Center, Tokyo

 2022  Le Salon winning (232e)
Exhibited at Salon International de Paris for mini personal show (Paris, France) and won an Award
Exhibited at Exposition de l'Art Actuel TOKYO édition de Rambouillet 2022 invited as a supplementary prize (Rambouillet, France)
Exhibited at France-Japan Multinational Contemporary Art Exhibition (in National Art Center, Tokyo) and won the Semi-grand prize
Salon d'Automne winning (119e)
 2023 Exhibited at Salon International de Paris on recommendation (in Espace Commines, Galerie du Marais, Paris)
Le Salon winning (233e)
Exhibited at Exposition de l'Art Actuel TOKYO édition de Paris 2023 on recommendation (Bastille Design Center, France)
Personal exhibition was held at gallery C of Fukuoka Art Museum
Exhibited at France-Japan Multinational Contemporary Art Exhibition (in National Art Center, Tokyo)and won an Award
Personal exhibition was held at gallery B of Fukuoka Asian Art Museum
Exhibited at 62nd Salon de la Ville de Vincennes (Amicale des Artistes Français) and won
Mention d'Honneur

 Salon d'Automne winning (120e)
Le Salon winning (234e)