
  Arrived at dots 


○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○べい 米翔

Welcome to the official site of Yoneto BEI.

I have been passionately painting pictures over a long period of time.
Before I began to capture the world as aggregate of myriads of dots and tried to form an image with
black color like now, I had been using a riot of rich colors for painting.
One such day around 2010, I determined to distance myself from the long continued colored painting
style as if inspired by some emotion like soul-stirring.
Since then I have been drawn into the world of the pictures meticulously represented with extremely
small dots of solid black color up to the present.

お知らせWelcome to the world of dots

Something transitory floats subtly in many of his paintings.
This sometimes implies the passage of time or the change of the times, but more it has the meaning of something unstable any of us have in our mind, such as joy, richness or a sense of happiness, and also by contrast, such as grief, anxiety or a sense of loss. The transience of our world where we live in a moment, or where we can live only in that time spreads and floats in his works as the gathering of myriads of minute dots

新着情報  NOW

  • Regular Member of Salon d'Automne
  • Associate Member of Le Salon (Société des Artistes Français)
  • Member of Japan International Artists Society
  • Founding Member of Nouvelle École de Paris UKIYO-É

新着情報  NEWS

Jul.23~28, 2024
Personal exhibition will be held at gallery D of Fukuoka Art Museum http://www.acros-info.jp/events/22998.html へのリンク
Feb.13~18, 2024
Exhibited at Le Salon 2024 (at the Grand Palais Ephémère, Paris, France)
Jan.17~21, 2024
Exhibited at Salon d'Automne (Paris, France)
Oct.12~21, 2023
Exhibited at 62nd Salon de la Ville de Vincennes (Amicale des Artistes Français) and won Mention d'Honneur
Sep.21~26, 2023
Personal exhibition was held at galleryB of Fukuoka Asian Art Museum
Aug.10~20, 2023
Exhibited at France-Japan Multinational Contemporary Art Exhibition (in National Art Center, Tokyo) and won an Award
Personal exhibition was held at gallery C of Fukuoka Art Museum
May 18~21, 2023
Exhibited at Exposition de l'Art Actuel TOKYO édition de Paris 2023 (at Bastille Design Center, Paris)
Feb.14~19, 2023
Exhibited at Le Salon 2023 (at the Grand Palais Ephémère, Paris, France)
Feb.9~12, 2023
Exhibited at Salon International de Paris (at Espace Commines, Paris, France)
Oct.20~23, 2022
Exhibited at Salon d'Automne (Paris, France)
Aug.11~21, 2022
Exhibited at France-Japan Multinational Contemporary Art Exhibition (in National Art Center, Tokyo) and won Semi-grand prize
July 19~24, 2022
Exhibited at Exposition de l'Art Actuel TOKYO édition de Rambouillet 2022 (Rambouillet, France)
Apr.14~17, 2022  
Exhibited at Salon International de Paris (Paris, France) and won an Award
Feb.15~20, 2022  
Exhibited at Le Salon 2022 (at the Grand Palais Ephémère, Paris, France)